Monday, July 19, 2010

Women and Doors

Many people now have conflicting issues with how to treat women. Do women really enjoy having the door held open for them? Do they expect it? Or do they resent the fact that once again, a man is treating them different?

Listen up women, I don't care if you are the CEO of the worlds largest corporation, or a waitress(nothing against either one of course) if you are near me when I am going through the door, I am going to pause, hold it open, and let you go first. No, I have not suddenly developed physic powers and realize I could brown nose you in your powerful profession, nor do I feel pity for you, nor do I want to sleep with you. I was simply raised to respect women and hold the door open for them.

Its not a sign of not believing you can open the door yourself. Its a sign of respecting that you are a woman. It's called courtesy. Something both men and women used to have. Men used to be courteous enough to open the door, and women used to be courteous enough to accept it with grace and a smile.

So men and women, straighten up and respect each other. If somebody of the opposite sex does something nice for you, smile and thank them, because they took the time to do it.

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